I want to thank Christina at: http://www.angelfire.com/planet/hayshandcrafted/ where I first found this cartoon when I was browsing my co-participants blogs in the Knit One Tea Too Color Swap.
Solara likes to exercise in the morning. Here she is doing her pull ups on the window.
At least someone in this house exercises and tries to keep her girly shape.
AND yes I made the chenille teddy bear and the bottom quilt in the photo. The quilt was my first and I didn't understand that strong contrasting colors didn't mean close together as in a proper rail fence pattern. BUT I love it anyway. I even made one for a friend who didn't even want that much contrast. Hers was done in tones of cream and beige.
BUT after this exercise session she decided to take a nap on her "mink" coat. Even I don't have a mink. Hers was very inexpensive as it came from the thrift store and she loves it.
I have been working on my Monkey Socks for my monkey swap and have completed both socks up to the gusset. Here are two photos:
I have added beads to the yarn, cast on and knit the first row of my Jelly Bean socks. No photo until a little of the cuff and leg have been knitted.
I am just about finished with my dishcloth for the love2knitdishclcoth group. It will be done soon after this blog entry is completed and then I will start on the food item that has to be knit and sent with the cloth.
I have started on my bag for the Fall Felted Bag Exchange and here are the colors I have chosen:
Browsing through the blog universe I found an interesting contest where you can win five yes five dishcloths. You can find it here at teamouse's blog: http://www.teatimeramblings.blogspot.com/. The rules are simple just put a comment on her blog and a link to the contest on your blog. If you are not sure if you should enter scroll down and she will even give you 13 reasons to enter her contest.
Now I will leave you with a photo of Solara trying to get her knitting needle that slipped out of her paws and went flying through the air. I guess it is a bit difficult to knit without opposing thumbs.
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Thanks for entering and nice to meet you. Those Monkey socks look cool, I've not managed to enter into the sock knitting yet.
Wow! You have alot of knitting going on there!!
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