Knitting Goodness
In the mail today I received my sockamanaic package from Pam. Pam's package will be going out next week. Alas, there were no patterns as she forgot to put them in the box. In my dumb logic of the postal system I thought they would arrive before the package did since an envelope in my mind wouldn't take as long to arrive as a box but no the patterns haven't arrived yet. So I am waiting in anticipation to see what patterns Pam has chosen for me. BUT she did send me a lovely package. See for yourself. Here is the box my goodies came in.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
I have my partner now for the Scavenger Hunt. I now can have some fun deciding what to get for her. My mind is running around in circles trying to decide what items to put into each of the categories. I know I still have plenty of time to change my mind several times over and that is a woman's prerogative to change her mind. Right?
Today Elann put out some new yarns and, of course, I had to get some. I also got myself the Silky Tweed in Provence Blue to make the summer top called Twilight from the Rowan magazine. I am finally going to knit myself something to wear besides socks, scarves, hats and the like. Whether I end up wearing it will be an entire other story. AND I did get something else from Elann which I will show in the photo when it comes if I like it and it was a good purchase. What am I going to do with myself. I really need to join a 12 step program for textile addicts. I use the term textiles b/c if I was able to get at my sewing machine I would also be purchasing fabrics and not only wanting a spinning wheel but a new sewing machine and serger. I just love textiles both yarns, fabrics and all the trappings that go with them. Now do I really want the help, is the question?????
Now here is something I would like to register for but I can't afford it unless I received it as a gift and I doubt that is going to happen. Are you going to sign up Andrea? Of course, still without a wheel I really haven't had time to practice spinning plain roving and I just can't get the hang of the drop spindle.
Being held at Mona's Woseley Wardrobe
Exotics Spinning 2 with Francine – Sundays February 17 & 24th from 9:30am – 4:30pm
Class covers how to prepare and spin Bombyx Mori and Tussah silk , Cashmere, Cashmere and Silk, Camel down, Camel and Silk, Alpaca, and Kid Mohair. Learn how to blend all these fibres with each other and with wool. Information on what makes a good blend and reasons for blending fibres. Discuss the properties of all the above fibres and learn to spin them as a single fibre. Individual fibre package includes:
100 gms Silk - Bombyx and Tussah
28 gms Cashmere - 50/50 Cashmere and Silk
28 gms: Camel Down - 50/50 Camel Down and Silk
100 gms Alpaca - Baby Alpaca and Very fine adult.
100 gms multi dyed Kid Mohair locks
200 gms of Polwarth wool
Cards to make spun yarn samples.
Coffee, tea and cookies provided for break time.
Cost: $130 plus GST includes 2 days of instruction and fibre package.
Bring: Your lunch (fridge and microwave available) and spinning wheel. Francine will provide wheels and tools for those who need them – please let me know at time of registration.
Shelagh came over to visit to day and she did get to hold her fur niece Solara for just a brief moment.
Ha, Ha, Ha!! I can see that Solara Sprinkles Sparkles loves her Aunty Janice better than her Aunty Shelagh. She gave me a whole big cuddle, on her own. Well, sort of on her own, I think she was still half sleeping. Isn't it amazing how good animals are at judging peoples characters?? LOL
I've been hemming and hawing, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign up for the spinning class. Actually, I think I'll go e-mail Mona right now. :)
Howdy there Scavenger Partner!! So upon reading today's blog I gather that you would like to spin. Do you have a drop spindle...I see that you stated you couldn't get the hang of it. Is it because you don't have one of your own? Just curious. I am also a spinner....But I spin with a wheel....never tried drop spindles. I did learn a lot from your blog and hope to learn more. So keep blogging!!
I have a drop spindle made using a cd disc and a very small one sent to me in a swap but I am unable to use either one. Last I heard there was only one space left in the spinning class at Mona's but since I have no money to register and haven't had any time to practice it looks like I won't be taking it . AW SHUCKS!
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