So now I am getting ready to go to my GP for my monthly B12 injection and get a referral to see the plastic surgeon. I have seen him many many times before and have been told "just call for an appt when you need to come in again, you don't need a referral" but all of a sudden they want a referral. So I will get that today also. I need him to check my left middle finger which won't bend and also several (seven) lumps and bumps I have. He has removed numerous lumps and bumps already. Some are sebaceous cysts from my illness and others apparently are lipomas. I have had a few very large lipoma's removed, in addition, to the many smaller ones. I think these are in the small range to middle range and definitely not as large as the one I had in my back. The largest of them is annoying and about 2 - 3 inches above the right ankle protuberance bone. I even was on the ball and called for my mammogram when I didn't get my letter to go for my appt. I remember going in March every other year but last time it was April so that is why I haven't received my letter yet. I now have an appt for April 30. It is part of the screening woman over 50 get in Manitoba. They are done every other year.
While out I will get 4L of milk to make rice pudding to take to the retreat and come home to make not only rice pudding but also magic bar. I have a bottle of red wine I will bring but I do need to get some 7 Up to mix it with. Then I need to put labels on my Avon brochures and pack the orders when it arrives this evening so I can get some deliveries done tomorrow before I leave for the retreat.
HMMMM I guess packing would be a good idea. Now should I have a larger suitcase for two days of clothes and toiletries or my knitting projects????
It is now 1AM and I can finally finish this post.
Rice pudding is made as is the magic cookie bar I am bringing to the retreat. My Avon is packed and ready to be delivered tomorrow. Of course, not all of it as I don't have a car and have to hoof it. Three orders were even picked up this evening. My clothes and blankie are washed just not packed. My toiletries are also packed except for what I need tomorrow (my face cream). I just need to decide on which bag to take. NOT suitcase bag, pocketbook bag. I got two new ones from Avon b/c I couldn't decide. One I can't take if I decide to keep it since it is white but the other is PINK. Or do I take my old black bag. I have chosen what knitting I want to bring too. I am bringing my Salida Socks, the bag for my felted bag partner, my new Clapotis shawl I started in hospital waiting for the procedure using my new "Silver" yarn and my February Lady Sweater. HMMMM do I need to bring more to last until Sunday. Remember it is a woman's perogitive to change her mind. I also am bringing my new Knit Picks ball winder and new swift. AND I am bringing an Avon basket of goodies for the auction table. I put some really nice goodies in it. I just need to pick up clear wrap tomorrow after I finish delivering my Avon. I must remember to take need two birthday packages to mail when I head out tomorrow.
Knitting Goodness
On Tuesday my Knit Picks package finally came. This is what I ordered and received.
First I ordered two books. I have always wanted this book and I finally got it. It has such cute little fruits, vegetables and people you can knit.
I also ordered and received two skeins of Shimmer which is a baby alpaca and silk blend lace weight yarn. It is light as air and very very soft. The color is Galaxy.
I would have liked to get the new Cookie A Sock Innovation book but it isn't available until March 31. There were a few other books I would have liked among lots of other items.
AND even though I live in Canada I didn't pay any shipping which was another bonus. I heard there was FREE shipping in Canada in March but that was after I received my treats.
Oh yes how did Solara feel about me receiving such a lovely package. What do you think?
There is definitely a chance that I will get these finished by the end of the month.
Soon it will be time for me to go on my Wooly Winter Fiber and Knitting Retreat. I am going to Delta Marsh about an hour out of the city tomorrow (Friday). I am being picked up between 4P and 5P. I am so very excited and it is because of a generous gift from another knitter who isn't attending as she isn't from here and has left our fine city last week.
I AM SO VERY EXCITED. LET THE FUN BEGIN AND YES I AM SHOUTING from my rooftop. Well I am would be if I could get to my rooftop so I am shouting from my computer. I have signed up for the FREE course in soap felting to learn something new to add to what I know, the FREE course on making a mobieus and also the FREE course on using a drop spindle. I am taking a paid course on Estonia Lace ($10). Yes even though there are NUBs (baby sized bobbles so baby sized tumors) I don't like bobbles because they remind me of tumors. By taking the course I thought I might be able to get more help in chart reading. I don't have to knit those Estonia Lace Shawls that have nubs. There are some without them.
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