Click on the link and look only if you dare.
Who would have "thunk"? Do these photos take your breath away, make your heart skip a beat? Did you also have to do a double take on what you saw with your own eyes. So what do those of you reading my blog think? Are there awards given out for such dedication? Anna I must thank-you for putting these wonderful photos on your blog. I would have left a comment but your comment section is closed. I hope you don't mind me putting the link to this entry on my blog.
Knitting Goodness
Today I received my "sub weener" prize from Nancy in the addictedtoknitdishcloth group I belong to for guessing who won the needle lotto. It was a great prize. There is nothing like going to the mailbox and finding knitting goodness in it. I received four stitch markers. Two say I love knitting and two are of a ball of yarn with knitting needles. I am sorry to say I tried and tried and tried and tried to take a photo but couldn't get one close enough and clear enough. But I also received a knitted dishcloth which I was able to take a good photo of. It is a round one made in my ever fave S&C "Gundrop" colorway. And I am not fond of orange but I do so love this colorway. So here is a photo of my new dishcloth.
I must admit I had a nap after I got home from Mona's. After I awoke from my short nap a customer picked up her Avon order and I spoke to my girlfriend Lori as we had plans to go to the an evening movie. And yes we did go to the movies. We were going to see Sicko but it wasn't playing at any of the Silver City theaters. AND the Silver City theaters have specials on Tueday which we wanted to take advantage of along with it seemed thousands of others this evening. The theater was so crowded it took about 25 minutes to get throught the refreshment line. I was very very happy with what we saw instead. Not only on Tuesdays do you get to see the movie but you also get a medium popcorn and medium drink of your choice in your movie ticket price of $8.95. My friend Lori and I saw Hairspray. I did not know much about this movie except the brief glance I saw of the coming attractions on the TV which seemed like a fun movie to go to. So when the movie started I did a double take at one of the characters and who played it. I won't say who as not to spoil it for those who also don't know. It was a fun movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I laughed so hard at parts I had tears in my eyes. So everyone reading my blog make sure you see it. It is well worth the cost and a great evening or afternoon outting. Finally I can say I saw a movie worth the money I had to pay to see it and got free popcorn and soda. I certainly wish I was living in New York again and could have seen the broadway version of it.
Do I have more to write? Of course, I do but am I going to write more now? No as I have a big day tomorrow. The weather forcast for tomorrow is again hot and humid with a possible thunderstorm and I don't do boomers. Add to that I have an eye doctor appt and may have my eyes dilated again, have to deliver two Avon orders, go to the postal outlet with one of my ebay sales and make sure I am home before Shelagh arrives when we will eat leftovers from today and knit. AND I do all this by bus and on foot.
So, does that mean you're not coming to the meeting tonite? I have been very patient about not getting to see a certain little elephant. How much longer do I have to wait??? Huh?? Huh??
Sorry, wrong blog!! Was talking to Catlady. Geez, I must've made a mistake. Unvelievable!!
YOU got to touch Panda SILK??
i was told it is unavailable
gotta finsih the Panda Wool sox
thanx for the blog entry
it's nice to know what you are up to
ahh yes, nothing like home made beet soup. even if your not ukranian.
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