Thursday, February 19, 2009


I have finally figured out how to cut out and put together different parts of a video. So if you scroll down to the previous blog post where Solara's original video was you can view a new edited and shorted version. Please tell me what you think. This was my first time editing a video. It has gone from over seven minutes to about 2:05. I was going to see if I could have my friend do it but when I had trouble sending the file of the original seven minutes I decided to try to do it myself. I have deleted the long video from you tube.

There is another blog post underway but I spent over an hour on this and I now have raging headache so I will finish my other blog post later when the headache is gone and I have had some sleep.


Aunt Kathy said...

I'll head over and check the new version of the video now. I don't think I could have figured it out, bravo. Hope your head feels better this morning.

Alicia said...

She's really cute!