Anyway. I got called on stage, received this
and this
after getting a kiss on both cheeks by the President of Avon.
I almost made it to Honor Society. To have this honor you need to sell $30,000. I was short by about $815 which I figured I could do in the last campaign but there wasn't a last campaign. I didn't realize it or was I encouraged by my manager who also didn't urge me on and let me know with a, hey girl you can do it, you can do it in the next one or two campaigns much less four. Her last email to me was telling me I had four campaigns left to achieve this goal. I felt I had too much to sell to make it. My email response to her was I really didn't think I could make it in SIX campaigns. Notice the discrepancy? My manager NEVER emailed back to correct me and didn't email again to say how close I was getting as the campaigns progressed along. I thought that when I achieve a higher level it not only looks good on me but it looks good on her. Our district which is 17th in the country could have done better. Our district had only one in Honor Society this year. There were more last year but those who made it sold less than I did. You explain it to me.
The one girl who made it into Honor Society told me if she had known I was so close she would have given me those sales since she had lots to spare. Most of the gals in the district do work with one another.
We also didn't have anyone in President's Council this year. To make that you need to sell $90,000. We did have one person in Donald H McConnel group and for that you need to sell $60,000.
You can tell even Avon is cutting back. I noticed there were less decorations than in the past 12 banquets I have been to. There were neither vases of flowers around the room nor bouquets of balloons. AND instead of bouquets of flowers to certain award winners and lots of roses only a single carnation and piece of greenery was given out to whomever was getting flowers or a flower.
The food was good but you can always make me happy if you serve me a turkey dinner. The wine both red and white flowed freely. I wonder if one of the next banquets you will only be allowed one glass. You never know.
We did get some gifts at the banquet. We received a jar of the new REVERSLIST Night Cream being advertised on TV,
AND now for a commercial.
Since I have written this last month and am posting it on Oct 13 I will hold off the knitting content including swap packages received for not the next post which has already been started but the one after that.
Congratulations Penny!
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