One of the gals also going to the retreat who attends knit night picked me up Friday morning. After the car was packed (you would think I was going away for a month) we headed out.
First we stopped in Portage La Prairie where we had lunch at a Chinese restaurant and did a bit of browsing, stopping in a few shops and making purchases. Before we headed toward Delta Marsh we drove around the island which was quiet and empty due to the lateness of the season. There were some lovely houses or cottages with interesting names. Then we headed to Delta Marsh but again we made a couple stops first. Our first stop was to where the sign for Delta Marsh was. Of course, Nadine and I took photos.
Here is Nadine by the sign.
AND were the mosquitoes and black flies horrid there.
Next we went to Delta Beach and there were people swimming in Lake Manitoba. I don't know when the last time people actually swam in the lake at this late date of September 25. Unfortunately, even if I wanted to take a dip in the water it was now late and we needed to get to the retreat. Also, the bugs were horrific.
Here is the road that leads to Delta Marsh Lodge.
After we signed in to the retreat we received a goodie bag which appeared to be made from a tee shirt. We could pick our own. In the bag was two skeins of Diamond Lido yarn. Mine was blue and white. The yarn was to be used during the retreat along with a pair of chop sticks that was in each goodie bag. Also, in the bag was the makings for 'smores during a fire on the beach Saturday night, a pen, some mints and a few other goodies.
Oh what were going to do with the chop sticks and yarn? We had a knitting contest to see who could knit the most in 10 minutes. We all cast on the same amount of stitches and away we went. I was close but I didn't win. AND the chop sticks weren't the pointy kind but had square ends making the knitting more fun.
After this we played yarn BINGO. It was fun. Our cards had the names of yarns Mona carries in the shop and a yarn would be pulled out of the bag and if you had that yarn on your card you maked it. I actually was one of the original winners for the full house but when all the winners names (5) were put in a hat, I wasn't one of the two winners who divided up the original winning prize of two skeins of lovely yarn.
Here are some of the gals relaxing during the retreat.
Here is Nadine Saturday afternoon wading in Lake Manitoba. Some more views of the lake.
An old boat on the beach.
A view facing the other direction.
Shelagh sitting on a log with a view of the lake.There were many interesting classes to chose among from crocheting bags with cut up plastic bags , knitting green, learning how to knit two color mosaic socks to knitting techniques and tips.
I choose introductory spinning using a wheel and this is the result of my labor.
I had a problem plying the yarns together when I finished spinning. I found out why I was having this problem and now wonder if that is why I had a problem spinning. The reason for the problem???? I didn't have the tension on the wheel!!!!!
One day I will get that spinning wheel but what day that will be I have no idea at this time.
I also took a class in dyeing yarn. I had hoped it would be with a blank but it wasn't. I also hoped it would be using acid dyes and it wasn't but I had fun anyway. We used Kool-Aid. There was blue (very pale), red, purple, green (very pale), and orange.
Here is everyone's yarn drying after coming out of the microwave.I never thought I would get any PINK. I used all the colors. I used two packets of blue and green in order to try to darken the colors some. I also then put purple on the green and dots of purple on other colors. Some areas I did red and left spaces of the natural color. When I thought I was finished I found small plastic cups of some remaining Kool-Aid colors. There was a bit of red, a bit of purple and some red and orange mixed and I dunked my yarn in each to over dye and when that was done I found a bit of several drops of Kool-Aid which I mixed and dunked my yarn in that. Here is the results.
I also took a class in making felted bangles which was quite a bit of fun. I made one bracelet and one round ball which if smaller can be stitch markers or earrings. AND if several are made they can be turned into a bracelet of round balls.
The fourth class I took was to enhance my knowledge of fair isle and intarsia. I am planning on making the Knit Picks Nonna's Garden Shawl. I have started. I have the cast on row and row one completed. I have it on a dedicated Addi Turbo needle I purchased at the retreat for $20. This is the yarn that comes in the kit.AND here is a photo of the pattern and the start of this shawl that I must be nuts to attempt.
Here is a photo of the lodge from the lake. You can see it hiding in the distance behind the trees.
There was lots to look at, touch and buy also. Mona certainly did a good job bringing her shop of yarns, needles, books, drop spindles, rovings, fluff and spinning wheels to the retreat.
It was a difficult choice but in addition to the Addi Turbo Lace needles I also got some yarn. Two more skeins of Dye Version Fingering weight yarn consisting of 63% merino 20% silk, 15% nylon and 2% sterling silver. This yarn is for my third Clapotis Shawl when the second has been completed.
Kirsten one of the knitters in our group is spinning yarn now and I bought this that she spun and plied with beads.
There was a masseur again at the retreat and I treated myself to a half hour massage.
There was a presentation by Joanne Seff about her trips to 10+ fiber events she went to in 2007 and a trunk show of items in her book Fiber Gatherings.
We had a table full of wonderful gift baskets to be won. These included not only yarn, and books but also two baskets donated by Shoppers Drug Mart and one from me full of Avon treats.
There was even a wonderful quilt made and donated by one of the knitters in our group.
Despite spending $20 on tickets not one prize had my name on it. That was okay as the money went to a good cause The Boys and Girls Club as did all the profits from this retreat as it was a non-profit retreat.
Several people won more than one prize. Our masseuse won three prizes. She won both Shoppers Drug Mart gift baskets and the Avon basket I donated.
When we arrived on Friday the weather was lovely and warm and in the mid 80's. As the weekend progressed it got cooler and cooler until we left it was quite chilly with white caps on the lake.